Hark! An Honourable Mention!

How Krishna Stole The Moon received an Honourable Mention at the IMDB One-Reeler Film Competition!

Thank you so much for all the love and support that I have been given during the making of my film at UCLA - Krishna and Yashodha are excited for the journey ahead!

We're going to New York!

How Krishna Stole The Moon- my first short film at the UCLA Animation Workshop got into her first film festival of the season! Catch Krishna and Yashodha at the 14th Annual Animation Block Party in New York City from the 27th-30th of July 2017. There's a fantastic line-up of films showing there so it's really worth taking a look: http://www.animationblock.com/

Thank you so much to everyone who stuck by me through this and to my brilliant composer, Tomas Peire Serrate ,whose music just tied it all up together. I'm excited to kick off this festival season and look forward to making many more animated films in the future! 

Sir Pea Green has returned to rightfully claim his throne back from the evil Lord Mean Bean!

Thank you for all the help! Sir Pea could not have done this without you!

This site has been taken over by

Lord Mean Bean. 

I say, "Deal with it"

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers!

On the 12th of March 2015, the world bid farewell to one of the greatest minds in storytelling.

We will miss you Terry Pratchett =(